The Salutogenic Schools Alliance team

Jodie Paterson
Educator 30+ years
Director JP
Adaptive Leadership expert
Jodie has worked in Education for 30 years with over 20 years of leadership experience. She most recently worked with the Department of Education, supporting the leadership of NSW Primary and Secondary Principals. Jodie has been a Principal in two Primary schools on the Mid-North Coast of NSW. Jodie is the Director of her own company JPAdaptive.

Jodie’s vision is to see a reinvigoration of joy in schools for all stakeholders.  Jodie aims to strengthen the relationships and assets for wellness by supporting holistic leadership learning. By transforming the approach to school planning, schools can place people at the centre, ensuring a culture of motivation, collaboration and improvement.  Jodie supports schools to create a ‘needs satisfying’ working and learning environment that people want to be a part of.

Jodie believes school improvement can be joyous, fun, rewarding and healthy.    Jodie provides nuanced professional learning, strategic support and coaching to move learning into action.  Jodie works with schools to design the learning and tools to meet the school's needs.  The tools and processes are simple, efficient and sustainable.  This approach follows Jodie’s belief of  ‘Learn, Adapt, Lead.’  First, we learn - then we adapt our skills and behaviour in order to lead and empower others.  Jodie’s delivery of professional learning, strategic planning support and coaching aims to integrate and embed leadership practices that support organisational wellness and high levels of social support. All programs are supported by an in-depth understanding of internal psychology, assets of health, systems thinking and relationship pedagogy. She is a faculty member of the William Glasser Institute Australia and is an endorsed instructor of Basic Intensive Training, Basic and Advanced Practicums.
Duncan Davison
Educator 30+ years
Founder Learningtobe
Teaching/curriculum expert
Duncan is a senior education and sports administration leader with in-depth experience developing and implementing educational and sports programs for public and independent schools in Australia and the US. He has had significant achievements spearheading and implementing innovative initiatives and processes to deliver quality educational outcomes and transformative school improvement reforms over his 30-year career.

Duncan has a proven ability to build and manage large cross-functional teams and chair committees to high-performance levels while developing trusting relationships with boards and key stakeholders. He has demonstrated agility in teaching, training, and coaching K-12 students and adults, designing workshops and curricula, and incorporating current methodologies into content and competency building.  
Duncan is passionate about making an impact on youth sports and education.  

Duncan is a faculty member and instructor with the Glasser Institute and is currently involved in post-graduate studies in mediation. Duncan has a master's degree in Education Leadership from Sydney University and a Graduate Diploma in Human Resource Management.

Duncan consults with senior leadership teams and teachers across all school sectors, building holistic well-being ecosystems and delivering teacher training and leadership workshops for the Salutogenic Schools Alliance (SSA).  Duncan intentionally infuses and applies the development of core concepts and competencies that arise from an in-depth understanding of internal psychology, assets of health, systems thinking and relationship pedagogy into his training.
Sarah Rudling
Educator 30+ years
Director 3C Consultancy
Learning/trauma expert
Sarah has been a teacher, leader and learner in education of 30+ years with a passion for advocating and making a difference for vulnerable children. Sarah completed her career with the NSW Department of Education as a Primary Principal in the Illawarra.

Sarah now delivers contextual professional learning for schools in the areas of brain development, human behaviour and trauma aware practice as the Director of her own company 3C Consultancy. This is the first step in Sarah’s plan to create Australia’s first holistic Trauma Recovery Centre for children and young people. A place where children and their families can access many and varied healing modalities and practices - learning, teaching and working together as a connected community of caregivers.

Sarah has completed the Australian Childhood Foundation Graduate Certificate in Developmental Trauma, and continues to develop her knowledge and understanding in this area. Sarah is also an Instructor, Faculty and Board member of the William Glasser Institute Australia. She delivers professional learning and training in the internal psychology model, Choice Theory, including Basic Intensive Training, Basic and Advanced Practicums.

Sarah’s curiosity and commitment to “be the change you want to see” has encouraged her esteemed colleagues of the Salutogenic Schools Alliance to use their superpowers to change the paradigm of 21st century education. To promote the understanding we are human beings, not human doings; that brain, body and mind health are paramount for intellectual productivity; and understanding human motivation and internal psychology hold the key to the creation of future societies that don’t just survive - they thrive!

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Kelly Brimbore, Newcastle
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